Managing a company move or setting up a new workshop can be a daunting task. How do you ensure that your vision is reproduced in real time?
CDM has the tools and expertise to make sure your vision is what you get.
We will manage the layout of physical plant, walkways, services and info-structure usually in model form so you can visualise workflow, safety of personal, maintenance requirements, noise control, safe access as well as possible real estate to allow for future growth aspects.
With a clear model plan in place, managing the requirements to achieve the desired layout is extremely important, as workflow and downtime can significantly impact a client's bottom line. This is why we go to great lengths to ensure a smooth, trouble-free transition, fitout or installation. All tasks are controlled via programming to ensure specific tasks, procurements, consents and trades are scheduled and allocated to keep deadlines in place.
There are sometimes areas of concern when it comes to plant layout and even times where safety concerns are overlooked or not thought about. We can run assessment meetings with your select team and get their input of likely problem areas and or hazards that may be of concern. These will then be run through a risk matrix where these concerns can be identified in terms of severity and ideas gathered to either mitigate or minimise those risks.
Over the years we have formed alliances with contractors for various tasks and can advise on who would best fit a particular aspects of a fitout or project (not all service providers are equal). Where clients have their preferred suppliers we will work with them too. It is important to ensure all suppliers are on board with a program and we like to make sure that this is the case and that they are prepared for set dates of installs with all require hardware.
Having the right formulas in place makes a project run smoothly and minimises or negates possible problems occurring, saving you time and money. We are dedicated to achieve the best outcomes for our clients. Contact us now if you would like some advice.